Ludwik Adamowicz
Atomic & MolecularQuantum ChemistryElectron Correlation
Michael Brown
BiophysicsMolecular SpectroscopyMagnetic Resonance
Rene Corrales
Statistical MechanicsInterfacial ThermodynamicsHeterogeneous Mixtures
Alex Cronin
Atom InterferometryPolarizabilityCasimir-Polder Forces
Stephen Kukolich
Molecular Structures from Microwave Spectra
Brian Leroy
Condensed Matter PhysicsSurface & Interface PhysicsLow-Dimensional Systems
Srinivas Manne
Self-Assembly & InterfacesStructure-Property Relationships
Sumit Mazumdar
Organic SemiconductorsOragnic SuperconductorsCorrelated Electrons
Oliver Monti
Surface & Interface PhysicsMolecular SpectroscopyOrganic Semiconductors
Arvinder Sandhu
Attosecond Electron Dynamics, Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy
Andrei Sanov
Photoelectron ImagingCluster Anions & Time Resolved Spectroscopy
Mark Smith
Reaction DynamicsIon TrappingPlanetary Atmospheres
Charles Stafford
Many-Body Theory ofSingle-Molecule Junctions
Koen Visscher
Lucy Ziurys
The CPP is an interdisciplinary group which spans across several traditional departments, including Chemistry and Physics.
Chemistry Department Physics Department